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Respiratory health of stonecrushers from the informal sector in Tanzania
Rajen N Naidoo, Florian Kessy, Louis Mlingi
Back to basics understanding audiometry calibration in the occupational setting
Karen Michell, Steve Geier
Biological monitoring: Future prospects - The role of biomarkers in monitoring exposure to chemical
Dr Murray Coombs, Volker Schillack
Occupational risks and challenges faced by caregivers of persons living with HIV/AIDS in Kanye co
Simon M Kangthe

Education and training needs in occupational health and safety in the SADC countries
Amanda Ryan, Kaj Elgstrand
Action on silica, silicosis and tuberculosis the WAHSA experience in Southern Africa
Claudina Nogueira, David Rees, Jill Murray
WAHSA Action on Pesticides building capacity to reduce hazardous pesticide exposures in the S
Hanna-Andrea Rother, Vera Ngowi, Leslie Londo
Occupational health and safety in the informal sector in Southern Africa - the WAHSA project in Tan
Rajen N Naidoo, Florian M Kessy, Louis Mlingi

An exposure assessment of a laboratory assistant to hazardous chemical substances
Anja Franken, Fritz C Eloff, Petrus J Laubsch
Detection of environmental Mycobacterium tuberculosis using rapid and sensitive conventional and re
Onnicah Dikeledi Mabe, Tanusha Soogreem Singh
Self-reported musculoskeletal disorders among office workers in a private hospital in South Africa:
Zungu LI, Ndaba EF

Tools for Organisational Risk Evaluation for Occupational Health Stressors (OREOHS) for the small-sc
Edwards AL, Franz RM, Schutte PC, and Steenk
Occupational exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Volker Schillack, Dr Murray Coombs
Objective assessment of noise-induced hearing loss: a comparison of methods
Ms Leigh Biagio, Prof. De Wet Swanepoel, Dr M

Respiratory effects of pesticides amongst farm workers in Eshowe/Ntumeni District, South Africa
Dr Paula Diab, Prof. Bob Mash
The role of gender on the physical work capacity profile of workers in an electricity supply c
JPH Lubbe, DDJ Malan, CJ Wilders
Drugs of abuse Part 2
Dr Melissa Yssel
Low back pain among hospital employees in Gauteng, South Africa: Point prevalence and ass
Naude B, Mudzi W, Mamabolo MV, Becker PJ

Medical surveillance and biological monitoring the ongoing saga
Dr Murray Coombs, Volker Schillack
Reported low back pain amongst nurses at a district hospital: incidence, profile and risk facto
Kerry E Uebel, William Rae, Gina Joubert, Lou
Employment conditions and challenges associated with being a domestic worker in KwaZulu-Natal, So
Dr Lindiwe Innocentia Zungu
Asbestos in soil around dwellings in Soweto
James Ian Phillips, Glenda Norman, Kevin Rent

Health inequities in a globalising world of work: Commission on Social Determinants of Health
Sir Michael Marmot, Ruth Bell,
Role of occupational health in response to challenges of modern public health
Maria Neira, S Wilburn, ID Ivanov
Occupational health and safety in newly industrialising countries
David Koh and Judy Sng
Roles of occupational safety and health organisations in global and regional prevention strategies
JS Takala, P Hamalainen, KL Saarela

Preliminary study on employment status and fertility in South Africa
Braimoh Bello, Danuta Kielkowski, Dick Heeder
Implications of the introduction of a replacement method for asbestos fibre counting in
Gabriel E Mizan
Biological Monitoring - Are we on the right track with biological monitoring (BM) in SA?
Dr W.M. Coombs, Volker R. Schillack
Extended sick leave usage in a tertiary hospital over a three-year period
Willem H. Kruger, Gina Joubert