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Vol. 15 No. 2a 2009

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e-ISSN: 2226-6097
ISSN: 1024-6274
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Occupational Health Southern Africa is on the Department of Higher Education and Training’s list of Approved South African Journals; authors of peer-reviewed papers thus qualify for subsidies for their affiliated tertiary institutions. It is also listed in African Index Medicus; and is on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) website list of journals following the ICMJE recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scholarly work in medical journals.
In this issue

Editorial from the ICOH2009 Scientific Co-Chairs and Coordinator

Marilyn Fingerhut, Mary Ross, Claudina Noguei

From the Editor

Linda Grainger

Health inequities in a globalising world of work: Commission on Social Determinants of Health

Sir Michael Marmot, Ruth Bell,

Occupational health services: A right at work; an asset to society

Jorma Rantanen

ICOH paper: New diseases of working populations in this millennium: Are they work-related?

PA Bertazzi

Role of occupational health in response to challenges of modern public health

Maria Neira, S Wilburn, ID Ivanov

ICOH paper: Health and productivity: Delivering the workforce of the future

Pamela Hymel, Richard Heron

Research and practice make occupational health an asset and a right

Jorma Rantanen

Welcome from the Chairman of the ICOH 2009 Organising Committee

Daan Kocks

Occupational health and safety in newly industrialising countries

David Koh and Judy Sng

Roles of occupational safety and health organisations in global and regional prevention strategies

JS Takala, P Hamalainen, KL Saarela

Training and education in occupational health at all levels

Bonnie Rogers

Assessment and communication of old and new hazards and risks

Eduardo Algranti

Pandemics and HIV/AIDS: An update

Barry D Schoub

Disasters, humanitarian aid and occupational risks

Louis Loutan

Occupational health and safety prevention and compensation laws: Pieces of the same puzzle

Paul Benjamin

Occupational safety and health issues in Africa

Franklin K Muchiri

Codes of ethics in occupational health - are they important?

Peter Westerholm

Developing a new paradigm: Work disability prevention

Patrick Loisel