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Vol. 11 No. 5 September/October 2005

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e-ISSN: 2226-6097
ISSN: 1024-6274
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Occupational Health Southern Africa is on the Department of Higher Education and Training’s list of Approved South African Journals; authors of peer-reviewed papers thus qualify for subsidies for their affiliated tertiary institutions. It is also listed in African Index Medicus; and is on the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) website list of journals following the ICMJE recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scholarly work in medical journals.
In this issue

International Occupational Hygiene Association (IOHA)

The WHO/ILO Joint Effort (AJE) on Occupational Health and Safety in Africa

Dr Gerry Eijkemans

WHO Global Network of Collaborating Centres in Occupational Health Program

M Fingerhut, G Eijkemans

Biological monitoring of exposure to chemicals in the environment and workplace. Part 2

Volker R Schillack, WM Coombs

Proposal for an evaluation model to determine the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of safety

R.J.P. Cronje

The representation of hearing conservation data by way of a geographical information system

HWJ van der Westhuizen

Solvents � Not something to be sniffed at. Part 2

Dr Melissa Yssel

SASOHN Pretoria

ME Bertolani, L Pretorius

From the editor